数字化精细化管理(Digital fine management)
数字化精细化管理是未来公司管理发展的重要方向,2023年公司全面推行数字化管理并不断完善,涵盖ERP、MES、PLM、MS、OA 、BI等功能全部整合在一起,所有的环节实施条码管理跟数字可视化管理,精准 、清晰 、流程可控 。在生产投料环节采用失重式计量进料方式,包装环节采用全自动包装称及机器人码垛的方式, 保证每一颗塑料粒子及包装好成品不落地, 内外保持高度洁净。
Digital fine management is an important direction of the future management development of the company, 2023 the company fully implement digital management and continue to improve, covering ERP, MES, PLM, MS, OA, BI and other functions are all integrated together, all links to implement barcode management and digital visual management, accurate, clear, controllable process. In the production feeding link using weightless metering feeding method, packaging link using automatic packaging weighing and robot palletizing method, to ensure that each plastic particle and packaged finished products do not fall, inside and outside to maintain a high degree of cleanliness.